Wow, I'm surprised I even remembered my password, it's been so long. I'm honestly a little scared.
When I first started this blog a good friend of mine said, "I hope you keep this up, you're a good writer."
The words hung, thick in the air.
I was offended. Why wouldn't I keep this up?
"I don't know," she said, "Sometimes people get busy, and life gets in the way."
I know she didn't mean anything by it, but why wouldn't I continue this blog? It was such a bold move for me at the time, of course I would dedicate the time it took to do this. I mean, I wrote just as much when I worked at a newspaper full time, why wouldn't I continue to write as often.
As I've found out, it's much easier to do things when you're getting paid.
Rather, it was much easier to write when I was getting paid to do so.
Sometimes life does get in the way, and makes it incredibly hard to dedicate time to writing when all you really want to do is sit, let the boob-tube entertain you and not have to think or analyze your life. Because, really, the last thing I want to do is think about another bill I have to pay and the plumber I have to call. I'd much rather let Netflixs entertain me with episodes of The Office and Glee.
It's much easier to watch Sarah Jessica Parker pretend to be Carrie Bradshaw and fictitiously write about her life than to have to think analytically about mine.
For this, I am sorry: To the four people who actually followed my blog and to myself -- for slacking severely on my writing. It was important to me and I let it fall to the wayside.
When I did get a new job in writing, another friend asked me if I was going to continue writing. This perplexed me, because I was in fact, writing everyday now.
"I am writing," I said. "I'm just doing technical writing."
"Yeah, but I mean, YOUR kind of writing," she said.
Oh, yeah ... that. Those words hung thick in the air, too.
I didn't really know what that was anymore, it had been so long.
In life, there's no guarantees, not even that I'll continue to stay up to date on this blog -- all I can say is that I'll try. And that has to be good enough.
But in all honesty, I know that I have two good friends who will keep me in line, should I forget to update.
Refresh and repeat ... yeah, life's kinda like that.
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